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About Remflex

Remflex’s unique flexible graphite material has been proven for more than 30 years...

The Science

Remflex gaskets work because they solve the two main problems...



We know what’s involved in repairing an exhaust leak. Removing accessory brackets, vacuum hoses and plug wires just to get to the manifold/flange bolts—not to mention the cost of resurfacing and the time it takes for re-assembly. Why would anyone want to go through all that work just to install the same old exhaust gaskets that have failed for years? Remflex exhaust gaskets are designed to work right the first time, every time. Plus, they’re made in the USA, and we control every step of the manufacturing process. It’s the only way to guarantee a superior product that you can rely upon.

Call Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Pacific Standard Time Toll Free 1-866-641-SEAL (7325)

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